Friday, October 18, 2013

K&N filter(s)...

So it been a while but work has been very busy and we also had a holiday in the USA – New York, New Jersey and Orlando. Great time meeting up with friends in NJ.

Before going I wondered with a good exchange rate could I get any of the parts I need when there.

Clothes shopping in NJ is great in the outlets and I have a suitcase with free space which I could fit some small bits.

Decided to ask my friend to order the K&Ns which where almost 50% of the UK prices - only problem the my dear friend only order one. We ordered another which didn't arrive before we flew to Orlando - so he's going bring it over a Christmas when he visits.

One K&N in position (with blue protective film) - all I need to get now (the other one!) is a couple new needles to suit K&Ns and 4>1 exhaust manifold.


  1. Looking great. Been following your progress for a while and getting a lot of tips. Just purchased my first TR7 in August after having wanted one for 35 years. Look forward to seeing yours complete. My blog is Love to get your input as well.

  2. Hi Chris, thanks for your comments. Just had a quick look at yours and great to see another white one, not many around in the UK. Winter and dark evening closing in over here so jobs on my 7 will be weekends only soon - need to get with some welding before I forget how to do it! Good luck with yours - looks very similar state to mine. Keep in touch, always good for a morale boost! Kent
