Saturday, July 20, 2013

Temporary engine stand...

Well I say temporary it may be for a while - to make space in the garage and allow me to fit the flywheel, clutch and gearbox. I needed to get the engine off the large stand and be able to move it around easily.

I find some old lenghts of steel angle in my fathers garage to make a stand which I will then fit to my trolley.

Using the lower engine mount as a staring point, I measured the distant to the side mount which luckily lined up. I made a frame and welded the front mounting point then a couple fixing points to pickup on the rear plate. Once the gearbox is attached I will add additional supports.



  1. That looks a really neat idea, nice and easy to move it around.

  2. Cheers Russ,

    Thanks for your comments - sure makes things easier in a smaller garage.

