Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Front offside wing repair pt4...

Spot, spot, spot... a day out of the garage with parts that needed spot welding. Over to Dick's garage to use his welder.

Started by marking out where I needed the swages at the ends. We then starting at the centre point on the edge down towards the ends removing cleco's and clamping on the way to ensure a good contact.

With the front section done we repeated the process towards the back. After a break to the let the welder cool down and give our arms a rest - (it's bloody heavy!) we flipped the wing to see the overlap and welded along the flange edge.

Even thou there's still a far amount the finishing to do - the results look good.



  1. i do have a comment but its about the bypass connector pump what get inserted into the top of it. its a project i got from a auction but most of the peices are there just don't know what to look for

  2. Hi Ken, on my 'Useful links' page under 'Pdf downloads' is the full Workshop Manual to download - should give all the info you need, hope it helps.
    Let me know.
    Regards Kent
